Where do I register/check in?

Our LGC24 registration desk will be located on Level 1, adjacent to the Exhibition Pavilions (closest to Mill Street). This year, we will have digital check in kiosks that will print your lanyard when you check in, and this will allow you to correct any details you need to. As well as the self serve kiosks, there will also be manned check in desks available for assisted check in.

How do I check which functions/events I have registered for?

The sub events you have registered for/purchased tickets for will be listed on the back of your lanyard when you check in. You may also check with Registration Desk staff who will be able to look up your registered events in the system.

Can I attend the functions if I haven’t purchased a ticket?

No. Unfortunately we have catered for the exact numbers of tickets purchased and no additional guests will be permitted to attend.

Which room do I go to for sessions?

To view the room for each event/session, you can look at the program in this app. All main sessions are held in Bellevue Ballroom 1, with sub events held in various rooms.

How do I vote at the AGM?

If you are registered as a voting delegate, you will be able to vote using the app as part of the AGM. Simply go into Sessions, Select the AGM and you will be able to see the voting which will go live when the AGM commences. Voting delegates must scan in upon arrival to the AGM.

I need help with the AGM Voting App!

Our AGM helpdesk will be open from 9am-2:45pm on the 9th of October and staff will be able to assist you in logging in, and how to vote. You can also change your voting delegates here if one of your registered voters can’t attend for any reason.

Which room do I go to for sessions?

To view the room for each event/session, you can look at the program in this app. All main sessions are held in Bellevue Ballroom 1, with sub events held in various rooms.

Where is the Convention Exhibition?

The Convention Exhibition is located in Pavilion 1. All delegate meals will be served in this area. Welcome Drinks will also be hosted in the Exhibition Pavilion.

Where can I park?

The underground parking at PCEC is notoriously busy, and so we encourage delegates to take public transport, walk from your accommodation or take a taxi wherever possible. If you have reserved parking tickets, you can use the ticket to enter and exit the carpark. Bays will be reserved even if the car park is showing as full. Unfortunately, we have exhausted our allocation of reserved parking tickets, so no additional tickets can be purchased.

I have special dietary requirements, where will I find my food?

If you have notified us of your dietary requirements as part of your booking, your special requests will be found at the marked special dietary tables as part of each service. All catering tables will be marked with the dietary style so you can easily identify which foods you should avoid. If you cant locate your special requested items, please advise one of the catering team.

I need a coffee!

Barista coffee will be available throughout the Convention in the Exhibition Pavilion thanks to our sponsors at McArthur. There are two coffee stations, one at the front of the room beside the WALGA booth and the other at the AMS Transit Lounge toward the back of the Exhibition Space.

Where is the Cocktail Gala being held?

The Cocktail Gala is being hosted in the brand new Kingsman Marquee in a stunning waterfront location in the CBD. It is located adjacent to Supreme Court Gardens on the corner of Governors Avenue and Riverside Drive.

Where can I park for the Cocktail Gala?

There is a generous City of Perth paid carpark directly behind the Kingsman location.

Where can I be dropped off for the Cocktail Gala?

There will be a number of dedicated drop off/pick up bays on Governors Avenue directly in front of the Kingsman Marquee main entrance.

What is the dress code for the Convention and events?

The dress code for the Convention, Welcome Drinks and Icons Breakfast is business casual. The dress code for the Cocktail Gala is cocktail/business suit.

I would like to have a quick meeting. Can I book this?

Our Convention meeting room is available for delegates to book throughout the Convention in one hour blocks. Simply click on the icon in this app and reserve your time slot. The meeting room is on Level 1, Board room 4.

I need to charge my phone and catch up on work!

The LGIS recharge bar is available directly across from the entrance to Bellevue Ballroom 1. Here you will be able to charge your electronics and find a comfy place to catch up on emails.

I need to cancel my booking!

Unfortunately as per our booking policy, no refunds are able to be offered after September 6th. If you are no longer able to attend but wish to replace your booking with another guest, please contact events@walga.asn.au.


We’re here to help! Whether you have questions, feedback, or need assistance, our team is ready to provide the support you need. Please fill out the contact form below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 

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